Brief History
Formerly known as the Bullard-Stockton property, the 112 acre Green Meadows Preserve was purchased by Cobb County in 2008 with funds from the 2006 Parks Bond Referendum. The Bullard family bought and farmed the property until the late 1900’s. Cobb County is fortunate that the heirs to the property sold the land to preserve it as a passive park. Originally it was part of a 400 acre plantation owned by William and Piety Green and saw action in the Civil War.

Civil War Marker - Green Plantation, 1864
Polk’s Corps [CS] having held the sector centering on Lost Mountain, June 5-9, was withdrawn E., leaving Gen. W.H. Jackson’s Cav. Div. [CS] to hold the vacated line. On the 17th, Johnston [CS] shifted his left flank E. to Mud Creek; during this withdrawal, Ross’ Brigade [CS] of Jackson’s Cav. fought a spirited action from the hill W. of the Widow (Piety M.) Green house, which was used as a hospital. Ross’ Texas Brigade held the position until forced to retreat by Hascall’s (2d) Div., 23d Corps [US], which had seized Lost Mountain that morning.